Along the road to publication, I've been privileged to meet and to learn from other authors and editors, and to call many of them friends. Each one--together with the readers who write to me about my books--has touched my life with magic. It is a joy to be able to pass it on! Who do I write for? The girl in me, who is still alive and well, thank you. And I write, too, for the boy in each of my three sons--now grown and living away from home-- and for their three sons as well. Their pranks and confidences have given me a rare window into boys' hearts and minds; for that I am grateful. It's a special kind of magic, creating something from nothing. Through the pages of my books, I hope you will find that you, too, possess that kind of magic.
I have an unusual name. You can hear how to pronounce it by clicking here, typing "Sheri Sinykin" into the Search Engine, and choosing "Author Pronunciation Guide."
Announcing Honors and Appearances for ZAYDE COMES TO LIVE in 2013!
Read starred trade reviews of ZAYDE COMES TO LIVE--as well as blogs and press clips! Download my BROCHURE. Download loss and grief handouts here.
Updated: February, 2021 © 2000-present Sheri Sinykin